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Thomas Kurian
Hindu Stories
A Brief Introduction to Hinduism
Stories from the Puranas
The Curse of the Kumaras: Origin of Vishnu's Avatars
Hiranyakashyap, Prahlad, and the Man-Lion
The Churning of the Ocean of Milk
The Third Eye's Fury: How Shiv's Anger Birthed the Mighty Jalandhar
The Births of Lord Krishna and Balaram
Krishna and Sudama: A Story of Friendship and Divine Generosity
Divine Destiny: The Story of Krishna's Son Pradyumna
How Ganesh Got an Elephant's Head
The Clash of Parashuram and Ganesh: The Tale of the Broken Tusk
The Legend of Goddess Durga and the Buffalo-Demon
Goddess Kali: From Birth to Bloodthirst
Mohini's Dance: How Vishnu Outwitted the Ash-Demon
Tales from the Bal Kand (Ramayan)
The Divine Lineage: Dasharath's Sacred Yajna
The Promise of Vishnu's Incarnation
The Divine Prasad and the Four Princes
The Compassionate Guru
The Princes' Return and Vishwamitra's Call
Sabala: The Wish-Fulfilling Cow
Vishwamitra's Futile Attack
Trishanku's Curse and the Rishi's Compassion
From Pride to Penance: Vishwamitra's Path to Brahmarshi
Vishwamitra's Request to Dasharath
The Forest Cleansed: Ram Vanquishes Tataka and Subahu
Ahalya's Liberation
Seeds of Destiny: The Discovery of Seeta
From Manu to Ram: The Legacy of the Solar Kings
The Rise of Ravan: From Demonic Origins to the Conquest of Lanka
The Divine Birth of Ram and His Brothers
The Princely Education: Ram's Journey Under Guru Vashishth
The Return of the Princes and Vishwamitra's Request
The Slaying of Tataka and Subahu
Vishwamitra's Tales: From Ahilya's Curse to Janak's Court
The Breaking of Shiv's Bow: Ram's Triumph at Seeta's Swayamvar
The Wrath of Parashuram
The Divine Weddings of Ram and His Brothers
The Path to Ram's Coronation: A Tale of Ideal Marriage and Royal Duty
Seeds of Discord: Manthara's Plot
Kaikeyi's Deception in the Sulking Chamber
Kaikeyi's Fateful Boons
A Father's Anguish: Dasharath's Plea and Kaikeyi's Resolve
Exile Embraced: Ram's Unwavering Duty
The First Night of Exile
Ram's Encounter with Guha and Ganga's Blessing
The Journey to Prayag and Dasharath's Haunting Past
The Curse Fulfilled: Dasharath's Final Days
Bharat's Anguish and Dasharath's Last Rites
Bharat's Quest: A Journey to Chitrakoot
The Slippers of Duty
Ravan's Conquest and Hubris: From Alkapuri to Mount Kailash
The Path of Duty: Anusuya's Counsel and Viradh's Challenge
Ram's Promise to the Rishis and the Gift of Divine Weapons
The Arrival of Shurpanakha
The Battle Against Khar and Dushan
Ravan's Revenge and the Enchanted Deer
The Abduction of Seeta
Ravan's Ultimatum and Ram's Anguish
The Encounter with Kabandh
Kabandh's Counsel and Shabari's Devotion
Hanuman's Disguise: First Contact with Ram and Lakshman
The Divine Alliance: Ram's Oath with Sugreev
The Jewels of Seeta and the Promise of Friendship
The Invincible Monkey King
Ram's Arrow and Bali's Defeat
Bali's Lament and Ram's Righteous Judgment
Ravan's Quest for the Atmaling
Ganesh's Clever Ruse
Sugreev's Neglect and Lakshman's Fury
A Month of Quests: The Search for Seeta Begins
The Enchanted Cave of Swayamprabha
Sampati's Revelation
The Quest to Cross the Ocean
Hanuman's Leap to Lanka
Encounters with Mainak and Surasa
Hanuman's Clever Escape from Surasa
Hanuman's Triumph Over Simhika
The Monkey's Promise: Hanuman Finds Seeta
The Ring That Sparked Hope
A Message from Ram
Hanuman's Hunger and Akshay Kumar's Demise
Hanuman Captured by Indrajeet
Lanka in Flames
Hanuman Returns to Mahendra Mountain
Hanuman's Report: Seeta's Plight in Lanka
Ram's Gratitude and Resolve
Ram's Praise for Hanuman and the Resolve to Cross the Ocean
The Golden City: Hanuman's Reconnaissance of Lanka
The March to the Sea
Vibheeshan's Righteous Stand
The Politics of Refuge: Vibheeshan Joins Ram's Camp
When the Ocean Trembled: Ram's Show of Power
The Bridge to Lanka
Shuk and Sharan's Fateful Mission
Ravan's Deception and Sugreev's Confrontation
The Snake's Embrace: Ram and Lakshman's Near-Defeat
Ravan Enters the Battlefield
Ravan's Defeat
Kumbhakarn's Awakening
Ram's Victory Over the Giant
Indrajeet's Illusions and the Quest for Sanjeevani
Hanuman's Heroic Quest: The Mountain of Life and Lakshman's Revival
Indrajeet's Downfall and Ravan's Fury
Ravan's Final Battle
The End of Ravan
Seeta's Trial by Fire
Ram's Return and Coronation: The Triumph of Purity and Righteousness
Devotion and Duty: Hanuman's Loyalty to Ram and Seeta
The Washerman and his Wife
Ram's Heartbreaking Decision
Journey to the Ganga
Seeta's Unjust Banishment
The Birth of Lav and Kush
The Ashvamedh Yagya and the Rise of Lav and Kush
Ram's Majestic Yagya: A Tale of Divine Glory and Royal Duty
Lav and Kush: The Battle with Shatrughna's Army
The Unyielding Courage of Lav and Kush
The Divine Encounter: Lav and Kush Unveiled
The Reunion of Ram with Lav and Kush
The Final Test of Seeta's Purity
The Divine Summons and Durvasa's Curse
Duty, Devotion, and Departure: The End of Ram's Earthly Reign
The Divine Ascension: Vishnu's Return and the Eternal Legacy of Ram
The Divine Scribe: How Ganesh and Vyas Created the Mahabharat
The Birth of Shakuntala
The Story of King Bharat
Shantanu's Tragic Pact with Ganga
Ganga's Backstory
Devavrat Becomes Bheeshma
The Princesses of Kashi
Parashuram's Wrath and the Kuru Succession Crisis
The Burden of Legacy: Maharshi Vyas's Duty to the Kuru Clan
Three Brothers: The Rise of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidur
A Sacred Boon from the Past
Pandu's Marriages and Misfortune
The Curse and the Secret: Pandu's Forest Exile
The Birth of the Pandavas and Pandu's Fate
Three Queens Depart: The End of an Era
Duryodhan's First Plot Against Bheem
Bheem's Adventures in Nagalok
The Arrival of Dronacharya
Dron's Path: From Friendship's Betrayal to Teaching in Hastinapur
The Bird's Eye
Eklavya's Unwavering Devotion
Parashuram Curses Karn
Akbar and Beerbal Folktales
How Mahesh Das Became Beerbal
The False Lion
The Magical Sticks
Beerbal's Journey to Heaven
Crows in the Kingdom
The Polyglot's Mother Tongue
God and Devotee
Beerbal's Rice Meal
The List of Fools
Most Handsome Child
Sweet Punishment
The Cock's Egg
Pandit Sevaram
The Slave-Owner and the Slave
Panchatantra Fables
The Swans and the Foolish Tortoise
The Greedy Dog
The Students and the Lion
The Conceited Reindeer
The Crow and the Oyster
The Foolish Crane and the Crab
The Friendly Wolf
The Fox and the Lion
The Foolish Cats
The Dog Who Went Abroad
The Blue Jackal
The Conceited Crows
The Greedy Lion
The Flea and the Helpless Bedbug
The Lion and the Clever Rabbit
The Wicked Middleman
The Talking Cave
The Monkeys and the Bell
The Mouse Who Became a Lion
The Brahmin and the Goat
The Lazy Deer
The Hen That Laid Golden Eggs
The Donkey and the Washerman
The Clever Farmer
The Sparrow's Revenge
The Pigeons and the Net
The Frogs and the Snake
The Swan and the Owl
The Bird with Two Heads
The Dolphins and the Little Fish
The Quails and the Hunter
The Birth of the Banyan Tree
The Saint's Daughter
The Naughty Monkey
The Horse and the Reindeer
The Tortoise That Saved Its Life
The Lion, the Fox, and the Donkey
The Lion and the Mouse
The Elephants and the Mice
The Farmer and the Fox
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Jackals and the Elephant
The Tailless Fox
The Thirsty Crow
The King Cobra and the Ants
The Hungry Dogs
The Dog and the Rabbit
The Hen and the Cat
The Monkey and the Crocodile
The Donkey, the Cock, and the Lion
The Bumblebee Who Challenged an Elephant
Classical Mechanics Proof
Maxwell's Equations
Faraday's Law Problem
Hema Priya N on 19-4-2010
Ian Finlay on 14-7-2013
David Forget on 15-7-2013
Chris Felix on 16-7-2013
Jacob Krolczyk on 20-7-2013
Frank Wu on 26-8-2018
Robert Gillanders on 7-9-2018
Garvin Nunes on 12-10-2018
Bozidar Fotic on 4-1-2019
हिन्दी (Hindi)
उत्पत्ति से कहानियाँ
हरेक प्राणी के लिए एक नाम
परमेश्वर ने स्त्री को बनाया
वाटिका में साँप
पाप का पता चल गया
कैन और हाबिल
कैन ने हाबिल की हत्या की
तीन कुशल भाई
नूह का जहाज़
बाढ़ के बाद
इंद्रधनुष की चिह्न
बेबेल की मीनार
परमेश्वर अब्राहम को बुलाता है
अब्राहम की नई मातृभूमि
परमेश्वर ने अब्राहम से वंशजों का वादा किया
तीन अजीब आगंतुक
आकाश से आग सदोम पर गिरता है
परमेश्वर अब्राहम को परीक्षा देता है
इसहाक के लिए पत्नी
घूंघट वाली नववधू
कुछ शोरबा के लिए
याकूब अपने पिता को धोखा देता है
इसहाक अपने पुत्र को आशीर्वाद देता है
धोखे का पता चला
धरती से स्वर्ग तक की सीढ़ी
याकूब को भी धोखा दिया गया
भाइयों के बीच शांति
याकूब ने अपना नाम बदला
याकूब के बारह पुत्र
स्वप्नदर्शी यूसुफ़
यूसुफ़ ने फिर सपना देखा
यूसुफ़ को उसके भाइयों ने बेच दिया
इब्री लोग मिस्र चले गए
याकूब और फिरौन
परमेश्वर तुम्हें कनान वापस ले जाएगा
याकूब अपने बेटों का भविष्य बताता है
यहूदा, युवा सिंह
एप्रैम और मनश्शे
"मुझे मिस्र से दूर ले चलो"
"क्या मैं परमेश्वर के स्थान पर हूँ?"
बच्चों की कहानियाँ
मोर और सारस
वक्र पेड़
भेड़िया और मेमना
कौवे और कबूतर
साधु बाघ
सिंह का हिस्सा
घोड़ा और गधा
भेड़िया और बांसुरी
बिल्ली और लोमड़ी
पर्वत और चूहा
कुरूप ऊँट
खरगोश और उसके मित्र
लोमड़ी और अंगूर
खरगोश और कछुआ
लोमड़ी और कौआ
गाँव का चूहा और शहर का चूहा
टिड्डा और चींटी
भालू और दो मित्र
लकड़हारा और देवी
बुढ़िया और नौकर
पक्षी, जानवर और चमगादड़
भेड़िया और सारस
मुर्गा और लोमड़ी
चूहों की सभा
मनुष्य और शेर
ಕನ್ನಡ (Kannada)
ಆದಿಕಾಂಡದಿಂದ ಕಥೆಗಳು
ಪ್ರತಿ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಗೂ ಒಂದು ಹೆಸರು
ದೇವರು ಮಹಿಳೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿದರು
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Light-Hearted Posts
Thomas Kurian
David Forget on 15-7-2013
This was a CFC rated game I played at the 2013 Canadian Open.
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