Bheem's Adventures in Nagalok

Bheem flowed with the waves and finally reached Nagalok (the land of the snakes), where he was bitten by several snakes. The snakes' poison neutralized the poison he had consumed, and he regained consciousness. He then killed all the snakes that were coiled around his body. The remaining snakes quickly swam to their king, Vasuki, and apprised him of the incident.

Serpent-King Vasuki, along with his ministers, came to see the miraculous boy. Kunti's maternal grandfather, Aryak, was also one of Vasuki's ministers. He recognized Bheem and introduced him to Vasuki, who realized that Bheem had been deceived by his cousins. Pleased with Bheem's bravery, the Serpent-King wished to gift him valuable gems and jewelry, but Aryak intervened and requested that he give Bheem an even greater gift.

"If you truly want to reward Bheem, let him drink some divine nectar, which he cannot obtain anywhere on Earth."

Vasuki handed Bheem a vessel containing the divine nectar and said, "Drink as many vessels as you want; you will be infused with the strength of that many thousands of elephants."

Bheem drank eight vessels of nectar and remained in Nagalok for eight days.

Meanwhile, Kunti and her other sons were worried sick about Bheem's absence. They began to suspect Duryodhan of conspiring against him. When Kunti spoke to Vidur about this, the latter comforted her but also cautioned that such accusations could permanently fracture the Kuru clan.

In Nagalok, Bheem expressed his desire to return to Hastinapur. The snakes accompanied him to the surface of the river. After reaching the palace, Bheem went straight to Kunti's room and recounted his adventure. She hugged him, holding back her tears. The Pandavas were delighted to have their brother back. Bheem then touched Yudhishthir's feet. "Don't discuss this incident with anyone, but be more vigilant in the future," Yudhishthir advised him.

When Duryodhan learned that his plan to get rid of Bheem had been foiled, he was enraged. He decided to wait for another opportunity to finish his cousins off.