Journey to the Ganga

At dawn, Lakshman ordered Sumantra to prepare a chariot with a comfortable seat, drawn by two horses. Sumantra promptly obeyed. Lakshman then went to Seeta's chamber.

"The emperor has instructed me to take you to the rishis' ashram on the Ganga riverbank," Lakshman informed Seeta.

Seeta was thrilled and began to get ready. She packed her favorite clothes and jewelry, intending to donate them to the rishis' wives. "Lakshman," she said as they were about to leave, "I am noticing some inauspicious signs. My eye is twitching, my feet are trembling, and my heart feels uneasy. My enthusiasm and courage are weakening, and I feel a sense of impending doom. Is everything at the palace alright?"

"Y-yes," stammered Lakshman.

They boarded the chariot and reached the Gomti riverbank that evening, where they spent the night. The next morning, Lakshman instructed the charioteer to prepare the chariot quickly, as he wished to bathe in the Ganga. They hoped to reach the Ganga riverbank by noon. As the Ganga came into view, Lakshman started to cry.

"Oh, brave one, why are you dejected?" Seeta asked Lakshman. "I've been waiting to bathe in the Ganga for several days. This is a joyous occasion. Lakshman, why are you crying and upsetting me as well?"

Upon reaching the Ganga riverbank, Lakshman and Seeta boarded a boat. As Lakshman wiped his tears, he instructed the boatman to take them to the other shore. He then turned to his charioteer on the riverbank and told him to wait until he returned.