The Rise of Ravan: From Demonic Origins to the Conquest of Lanka

The golden city of Lanka was initially ruled by a demon called Sumali. After Lord Vishnu defeated Sumali in a fierce battle, the demons fled Lanka and retreated to the underworld. Kuber, the god of wealth, and the other demigods then took over the kingdom of Lanka. Kuber was the son of the powerful Rishi Vishrava and his first wife, Idavida. Sumali and his daughter, the enchanting Kaikasi, hatched a plan to restore Lanka to the demons: Kaikasi would seduce Rishi Vishrava, marry him, and bear a demon son who could vanquish Kuber. 

Rishi Vishrava and the demoness Kaikasi eventually had four demon children. The oldest was a boy with ten heads, twenty arms, and a big chest. He was named Dashanan (meaning 'ten-headed') and later acquired the title Ravan. The other three children were the gigantic Kumbhakarn, the timid Vibheeshan, and the devious Shurpanakha. With Kaikasi's blessings, Ravan, Kumbhakarn, and Vibheeshan decided to pray to Brahma, the creator of the universe, for boons. The ten-headed Ravan chopped his heads off one by one and offered them to the sacrificial fire. Lord Brahma appeared just before Ravan cut off his tenth head and asked each of the brothers to make a wish. 

Vibheeshan asked for his mind always to be set on the path to righteousness. Kumbhakarn wished to ask for Indrasan (the throne of Indra). But the goddess Saraswati bewitched his tongue at Indra's request, so he asked for Nidrasan (a bed for sleeping) instead. Ravan requested Brahma to undo this boon as it was a curse. So, Brahma reduced it to sleeping for six months, after which he would wake up for a day, eat to his heart's content, and then fall asleep for another six months. Ravan first asked for immortality, which was not granted, as every creature that is born must die. He then asked for invincibility from all Brahma's creations except humans. Brahma granted this boon to Ravan and also restored all of his heads.

Kuber and the other demigods ruled Lanka after the demons. Ravan, emboldened by Brahma's boon, decided to challenge Kuber. He reminded Kuber that Lanka originally belonged to the demons and should be returned to them. Kuber, to avoid war between the demigods and the monsters, decided to give the kingdom of Lanka to Ravan. After leaving Lanka, Kuber and the other demigods settled in Alaka near Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in the Himalayas.