Ravan's Ultimatum and Ram's Anguish

Ravan and Jatayu engaged in a fight in the sky. Ravan used his sword to cut off Jatayu's wings and feet, causing the wingless Jatayu to fall to the ground, though he was still breathing. Seeta, seeing this, began to cry as if Jatayu were a member of her family. Even as Seeta sobbed, Ravan's resolve remained unchanged. In an attempt to leave a clue for Ram to find her, Seeta threw out her yellow shawl and ornaments, which Ravan overlooked in his excitement. However, some monkeys on the mountain where the ornaments fell saw a woman forcefully taken away on a flying chariot. After crossing the Pampa lake, Ravan continued on his way to Lanka.

The Pushpak Viman crossed the ocean and finally reached Lanka. "Seeta, you have won me over with your gentle looks," said Ravan. "I no longer desire any of my queens. Marry me; you will become queen of Lanka and live the rest of your life in a splendid palace."

"Villain, I can never marry you," said Seeta, turning away from Ravan. "I am a brave man's wife and a faithful one. Learn to respect other women in the same way you respect your wife. Besides, you can never tempt me with your power or splendor. I am inseparable from Ram in my heart, just as a sun's rays are inseparable from the sun. Ravan, follow the path of righteousness and return me to my husband, Ram."

Ravan was enraged by Seeta's words. "Seeta, I will tolerate what you just said only because I love you," said Ravan. "Otherwise, I would punish you by death for your harsh words. I will give you two months, during which you must accept me as your husband, or I will kill you. My word binds me; therefore, I will not kill you before the two months are over. Consider the matter carefully." He then imprisoned Seeta in Lanka's Ashok Garden, where she was guarded by frightening demonesses day and night.

When Ram and Lakshman arrived at the cottage, they found it deserted. They searched for Seeta in all her favorite spots but couldn't locate her. Lakshman tried to explain to Ram that he didn't leave Seeta willingly; he did so because of Seeta's harsh words and stubbornness. He added that upon hearing her words, he became angry and left the cottage. However, Ram expressed that Lakshman's departure from the cottage was inappropriate. Ram believed Lakshman should have realized that his older brother could handle the demons alone. Despite Ram's thorough search of the entire house, he couldn't find Seeta and called out her name multiple times.

"Someone has kidnapped Seeta!" he cried out. "Someone has killed her! Or some demon has eaten her! Or she has hidden somewhere in the forest out of fear. It may be that she has gone to pick vegetables and fruits. Or she has gone to the lake or river to bring lotuses."