Ram's Arrow and Bali's Defeat

Ram nocked an arrow and waited. However, he couldn't distinguish between the two monkey brothers, so he chose not to release the arrow. In the end, Bali gained the advantage. Sugreev escaped by the skin of his teeth and sought refuge at Maharshi Matang's ashram, which Bali couldn't enter due to the curse. Sugreev was upset with Ram because he had hoped Ram would kill Bali. Ram understood Sugreev's emotions and tried to comfort him.

"Sugreev, do you know why I didn't shoot the arrow?" asked Ram. "You and Bali look alike. Your clothes, jewelry, and movements are the same. I could not distinguish you based on voice, color, personality, or combat skills. An arrow shot by me could have killed any one of you—that is why I didn't shoot. Please wear something so that I can distinguish you from Bali."

Ram told Lakshman to hang a flower garland around Sugreev's neck. Once again, everyone hid behind the tree. Sugreev challenged Bali to another fight. His roar caused all three worlds to tremble. Birds began flying in the sky, peaceful cows became frightened, and deer ran helter-skelter. At that time, Bali was seated in the inner quarters of his palace and was furious to hear Sugreev roaring outside. However, Bali's wife, Tara, was intelligent. 

"Dear husband, please let go of your anger," she pleaded. "Sugreev challenged you before, and you defeated him. I suspect there must be a good reason for his sudden return. He is intelligent and cunning. I sense something is not right here. Please let go of your grudge against your younger brother and refuse Sugreev's challenge today."

"Should I ignore Sugreev's challenge like a coward?" retorted Bali. “I would rather die than decline a challenge. A brave man is never distracted by good or bad omens. I cannot tolerate Sugreev's behavior."

Bali emerged from his palace, mace in hand, and began searching for his adversary. He spotted Sugreev standing, ready for battle. Sugreev picked up his mace and charged at Bali. Bali hit him with his mace, which caused him to bleed but did not dampen his enthusiasm. In a frenzy of rage, Sugreev uprooted a tree and hit Bali with it. This surprised and enraged Bali, who rushed toward Sugreev and began to beat him continuously. Sugreev was severely wounded, and his pride was shattered. Seeing Sugreev in a pitiable situation, Ram nocked a poisonous arrow and shot it at Bali. The arrow pierced Bali's heart, and he fainted on the battlefield. Ram and Lakshman walked toward the fallen Monkey King.