Hanuman's Triumph Over Simhika

Hanuman felt as though he were bound. "Oh Lord, what has happened?" he cried. "Someone has ensnared me; I feel as helpless as an insignificant fly."

Hanuman saw a colossal creature emerging from the water. Just as clouds spread during the rainy season, Hanuman expanded his body. Simhika, too, began to enlarge herself. Undeterred, Hanuman entered the demoness' mouth and tore her apart from the inside with his sharp claws. Thus, he vanquished the wicked Simhika. Pleased with Simhika's demise, the gods showered flowers upon Hanuman.

"Oh, brave Hanuman!" the gods proclaimed. "By slaying Simhika, you have done the world a great favor. May you be successful in your mission. Anyone with your intelligence, determination, foresight, and ability will always achieve their goal."

Hanuman gratefully accepted the gods' blessings and resumed his journey toward Lanka. As he approached Lanka, he realized the demons would be eager to spot him due to his massive size. Therefore, he shrank his enormous form to its natural size. After crossing the sea, Hanuman closely observed Lanka. It was indeed a magnificent city. The buildings were adorned with gems, and the main gate was splendid. Hanuman was enchanted by the city, which was as appealing as Indra's capital, Amaravati. There were towering trees, vibrant flowers, cascading waterfalls, and melodious birds. This city, situated on a mountain and guarded by powerful demons, impressed Hanuman.

However, upon seeing the city's formidable design, Hanuman became pensive. He was unsure how to enter Lanka without Ravan knowing. All he wanted was to find Seeta quietly in a secluded spot.

"What must I do so my campaign does not fail?" Hanuman pondered. "How can I make my crossing of the sea meaningful? Even if I assume the form of a demon, the other demons will discover my true identity. If I remain idle, success will be impossible. No one can enter this place undetected, not even my father, the Wind god. If I stay in my natural form, the demons will identify me, and Lord Ram's mission will be in jeopardy. Therefore, I must assume a tiny form and enter the city under the cover of night. I must search for Seeta in every house."

Having made this decision, Hanuman waited for the sun to set. After nightfall, he assumed a minute form and entered the city. Lankini, the city goddess of Lanka, mistook Hanuman for a thief and attempted to stop him. Hanuman struck Lankini with his fist, causing her to fall to the ground with blood flowing from her mouth. She managed to get up and folded her hands in respect.