The Encounter with Kabandh

Ram searched all the nearby places but couldn't find his dear wife anywhere in the forest. He was crying like a deranged person, and his eyes reddened. He ran helter-skelter in search of Seeta. Finally, Ram and Lakshman came to the place where the giant vulture Jatayu was lying on the ground, soaked in blood.

"The Demon King Ravan has kidnapped Seeta," Jatayu told Ram. "He's the one who injured me. When I saw Seeta being kidnapped, I tried to save her. I fought with Ravan and damaged his plane, but he cut off my wings with his sword. I became helpless and fell to the ground while Ravan took Seeta in his plane along the skyway. Oh, Ram! Don't worry about Seeta. You will soon kill that demon and spend the rest of your life happily with her." Jatayu then took his last breath. Ram and Lakshman performed his last rites with the utmost respect.

After this, the two brothers headed south to search for Seeta. While searching for her, they heard a deafening noise that seemed to tear through the jungle. The trees looked like a violent storm had come, and the loud noise filled the sky. Ram and Lakshman became alert and tried to discover the source of the noise, only to find a giant monster that looked like a headless torso. His mouth was on his stomach, and he was covered with short, pointy hair. His shape was like a mountain and dark as a cloud. His eyes were big and yellow, and his eyelashes were blood-red. The monster's name was Kabandh, and he had long arms. He spread his arms out and caught Ram and Lakshman.

"Warrior princes, why are you here?"  asked Kabandh. "You see that I am hungry. Fate has sent you to me. Consider yourselves dead." The brothers knew what to do in such a situation. Ram cut off Kabandh's left hand with his sword, and Lakshman cut off his right hand. The monster fell to the ground. Due to his cry, the earth, sky, and the four directions echoed. 

"Who are you?" he politely asked Ram and Lakshman. 

Ram and Lakshman introduced themselves to Kabandh and informed him about Seeta's kidnapping. "Who are you, and what are you doing in this forest?" Lakshman asked Kabandh. "Why are you wandering in this forest?"

"Greatest among men, both of you are welcome in this forest," said Kabandh. "It is my good fortune that you came here. These arms were a bond for me, and you have released me."