The Gods' Plea to Vishnu

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While King Dasharatha was deeply engrossed in his yajna, the gods approached Lord Brahma with their concerns about the Demon-King Ravana. Owing to a boon granted by Brahma, Ravana had become exceedingly powerful and viewed the gods, rishis, and all living beings with disdain. He unleashed violence upon them all, and his arrogance threatened to destroy anyone who witnessed it. Neither the gods nor the celestial musicians (gandharvas) could defeat him. However, Ravana had one vulnerability: when he requested the boon from Brahma, he had overlooked the possibility of being slain by a human. Brahma revealed this to the gods and advised them to seek help from Lord Vishnu. In response to their plea, Vishnu assured them that he would be born as Dasharatha’s four sons, destined to vanquish Ravana. Overjoyed, the gods returned to their celestial realms.