Kunti's Divine Boon: The Tale of Rishi Durvasa's Visit

Image generated using ChatGPT 4 from the prompt: image of Rishi Durvasa and Kunti.

Kunti's Devotion to Rishi Durvasa

Kunti, the adopted daughter of King Kuntibhoj, was young and attractive. Once, Rishi Durvasa came to King Kuntibhoj's palace. The rishi was renowned for his hot temper; therefore, the king instructed Kunti to welcome him properly. Kunti cared for the rishi for a year and looked after all his needs and necessities.

Kunti's Humility and the Rishi's Gratitude

At the end of the year, Rishi Durvasa was delighted with Kunti and offered to give her a boon. She declined and said that the rishi's satisfaction was her greatest gift.

Rishi Durvasa's Powerful Mantra to Kunti

Nevertheless, Rishi Durvasa taught Kunti a mantra that she could use to summon any god and have a child with that god.