The King Cobra and the Ants

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A giant king cobra lived in a dense jungle. It used to hunt at night and sleep during the day. Slowly it became fat and felt that the hole in the tree where it lived was too small. It decided to search for another tree.

Eventually, the cobra found a big tree, where it decided to make its home. But under the tree trunk was an anthill where many ants used to reside. 

The cobra hissed angrily and went to the anthill.

"I am the king of this jungle," said the cobra to the ants, "and I don't want you to live near me. I command you to find another place to stay; otherwise, get ready to die." 

The ants were united and did not fear the cobra. Thousands of ants came out of the anthill and decided to attack the snake together. They crawled along the cobra's body and bit it. The evil cobra yelled in pain and fled.