Sweet Punishment

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One day, Emperor Akbar arrived at court in a pensive mood. “What kind of punishment should I give a person who dared to yank my beard?” he asked all the present ministers.

Everyone in the court was puzzled by such an unexpected question. They started to discuss possible punishments.

“Your Majesty, whoever did this should have his hand cut off,” one of the ministers answered.  

“Your Majesty, you must sentence the culprit to death," said a second minister. 

“Your Majesty, you should sentence the monster to life in prison," another minister said. "Throw him into a cell with rats.”

The ministers made many suggestions about the appropriate punishment, and as the discussion continued, they became more creative about it. 

“Dear Beerbal, why are you silent?" the emperor turned to Beerbal and asked. "What punishment, according to you, should be given to a person who dared to pull my beard?”

Beerbal stood up and respectfully bowed to the emperor. “Your Majesty," said Beerbal, "you should hug the culprit, shower him with kisses, and give him delicious sweets.” 

This answer surprised the courtiers. “Your Majesty," said one courtier, "yanking the emperor’s beard is nothing less than a crime, and Beerbal wants to give this person sweets?” 

Akbar smiled. “Why do you think yours is the appropriate punishment?” he asked Beerbal.

“Your Majesty," Beerbal replied, "who else but your grandson would have dared to yank your beard?”

Beerbal was right. That morning, Akbar’s grandson had mischievously yanked the emperor’s beard when they were playing. The emperor then thought it would be good to test his ministers with this strange question, which only Beerbal answered correctly.