The Princes Returned Home

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Once the princes completed their education, Maharshi Vasishtha sent word to Ayodhya. In response, King Dasharatha dispatched his minister, Sumantra, to Vasishtha's ashram to bring the young graduates home. After receiving the guru's blessings, the princes set off for Ayodhya. The streets of the city eagerly awaited their return, and as soon as the chariots carrying the princes appeared, the jubilant cheers echoed to the sky. Upon arrival, the boys were warmly embraced by their mothers, and they respectfully bowed at their father's feet. King Dasharatha beamed with pride, filled with happiness to have his sons back in the palace. He proudly observed that his eldest son Rama provided appropriate guidance to his younger brothers in following good conduct and principles of governance. 

One day, Maharshi Vishvamitra arrived at the palace. Dasharatha welcomed him with great respect and offered his assistance. Vishvamitra said, "Two demons, Mareecha and Subahu, are disrupting my prayers and yajnas. I ask that you send Rama to protect the rishis and munis from their attacks."