The Cock's Egg

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Since Beerbal used to flaunt his intelligence before Akbar, the latter hatched a plan to make a fool of him. One morning, before Beerbal arrived in court, Akbar gave each of his ministers an egg. When Beerbal arrived, the emperor spoke about his dream from the previous night. He said that only ministers who bring an egg from the royal pond would be considered loyal. 

After that, Akbar sent his ministers to the pond individually and asked them to bring him an egg. All the courtiers went to the pond individually and brought back an egg—the one they were previously given. It was now Beerbal's turn. He jumped into the pond but did not find an egg. He realized that the emperor was trying to make a fool of him. So he returned to the court, crowing like a cock.

"Stop making unnecessary noise and tell me where the egg is," said the emperor to Beerbal. 

"Only hens lay eggs," Beerbal smiled and replied. "Since I am a cock, I cannot produce an egg." 

Everyone laughed, and Akbar understood that Beerbal could not be made a fool of.