Most Handsome Child

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Emperor Akbar loved his grandson so dearly that, since his birth, he couldn't focus on his duties as emperor. He would play with the child all day, which troubled many ministers. Once Akbar declared that his grandson was the most handsome child in the country. 

"Emperor, please don't get angry," Beerbal politely replied. "The young prince is undoubtedly handsome, but I think many children are more handsome."

Beerbal’s statement nevertheless enraged the emperor. 

"How can you say that?" he said. "I order my ministers to bring the children they consider most handsome. If any of these children are more handsome than the prince, I will accept your words." 

So, the next day, each minister came to court with a young boy. But Beerbal was nowhere to be seen. After a little while, he arrived at the court, dripping with sweat.

"Where is that child you said was more handsome than my grandson?" asked Akbar. 

"Emperor, I wanted to bring the child to court," replied Beerbal, "but his mother wouldn't let me. If you dress up like a civilian, we can go see the child." 

Akbar agreed. He and Beerbal dressed as ordinary people and went to see this handsome child. After walking for a long time, they arrived at a cottage. Outside, a little boy was playing near a pile of garbage. He was bald and covered with dirt. One of his eyes was smaller than the other, and water dripped from his nose. 

"Do you think this boy is more handsome than the prince?" Akbar asked. "He is absolutely unattractive!" 

As Akbar said, the boy's mother exited the cottage. She was furious with Akbar, standing in front of her house and staring at her child. 

"Who are you?" she asked him. "How dare you call my child unattractive! Get away from here." 

She put the child in her lap, wiped his face with her saree, and kissed him.

"My dear son, don't listen to these people," she told the child. "You are the most handsome child in the country." 

She then took the child inside their home. Akbar understood what Beerbal had been trying to tell him all along. 

"Each child is the most handsome child in the country to his parents," said Akbar.  

"Or to his grandparents," added Beerbal with a smile.